Category: Reports

Boards That Work: A Guide to Responsible Licensing Board Reform

The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL) advocates for licensing policies that protect public safety while meeting the evolving needs of our professions and communities.

ARPL represents highly technical professions whose licensing boards have protected public safety for over a century, giving us unique insight into what makes licensing boards effective.

Our latest report, Boards That Work, provides clear principles for policymakers considering changes to licensing board structure and operations.

Click here to download the full report.

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Professional Licensing Depends on Strong Licensing Boards

Professional licensing keeps the public safe…

And professional licensing depends on strong licensing boards.

Professional licensing boards, staffed by volunteer experts, ensure engineers, architects, landscape architects, surveyors, and CPAs meet rigorous standards to protect public safety.

Our latest research shows the public strongly supports this system: more than 85% of voters support key elements of licensure, and over 90% agree on the importance of board functions.

Click here to download the key findings.

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New Research: Exploring Public Opinion of Licensing and AI

A recent national survey was conducted to understand public opinion on AI emergence in high-impact fields, voters’ level of trust in AI for critical decision-making, and voters’ beliefs about who should be involved in developing frameworks for AI governance and regulation.

Click here to download an executive summary of the research findings.


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Licensing Board “Reform”: Imagined Benefits vs. Real Consequences

Professional licensing boards keep the public safe. Composed of volunteer experts, they set standards, ensure continuing education, enforce ethics, and take disciplinary actions. Over 2/3 of voters trust these boards.

However, some proposals aim to weaken boards by consolidating them, altering their composition, or limiting their effectiveness. These measures have imagined benefits but real consequences.

Click here to download the full one-pager.

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Licensing Standards Must Be Maintained Despite Workforce Shortages

Nationwide workforce shortages are hitting all corners of our society, from retail to education to government administration. In response, some occupations are relaxing hiring criteria and eliminating degree requirements to help fill vacant jobs.

But this approach doesn’t work for highly technical professions that require rigorous qualifications to ensure public safety.

Rigorous licensing standards are essential for these professions to ensure that professionals are qualified to perform their work safely.

The public agrees: this is absolutely crucial for ARPL professions: architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors, and CPAs.

The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing commissioned Benenson Strategy Group to survey 1,200 registered voters from April 23 to May 3, 2024.

Click here to download the research summary.

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Businesses Support Professional Licensing

The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing commissioned Benenson Strategy Group to survey 600 decision-makers for small- and mid-size businesses about the impact of professional licensing on their businesses. The results were clear: businesses overwhelmingly support responsible licensing standards


Click here to download the research summary.

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New Survey: Louisiana Public Opinion of Professional Licensing

In March 2022, legislation was filed in Louisiana to significantly weaken licensing standards for professionals working in the state. Proponents of this legislation vastly overestimate the effect anti-licensing would have on jobs and the economy and dangerously underestimate the effect it would have on consumers and the public at large.

What has been completely lost in this anti-licensing effort and others like it across the country is the perspective of the public, who relies on the work of qualified licensed professionals to keep them safe. To better understand the public’s attitudes toward professional licensing – and proposed efforts to weaken it – ARPL commissioned an independent survey of 600 Louisiana voters.

Click here to download an executive summary of the research findings.

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FACT CHECK: The Myths of Anti-licensing

Time and again, calls for anti-licensing return to a handful of myths and purported problems that can only be solved by drastically weakening or outright eliminating licensing. Let’s take a closer look at those myths and set the record straight.

Download FACT CHECK: The Myths of Anti-licensing.

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The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing commissioned Oxford Economics to produce a first-of-its-kind quantitative research study, Valuing Professional Licensing in the U.S., which explores the impacts of professional licensing in highly complex, technical fields.


Click here to download the full report.

Click here to download the executive summary.

Click here to download the key findings.



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Licensed To Move: A Guide to Interstate Practice

The Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL) supports policies and legislative initiatives that seek to build pathways to interstate practice for professionals in highly technical professions.

ARPL represents professions and licensing boards that have more than 100 years of combined experience in creating greater flexibility for professionals and is uniquely positioned to offer best practices that could be helpful as lawmakers work to achieve interstate practice for a broader mix of professions and occupations.

ARPL’s newest report, Licensed To Move, explores several examples of how states can responsibly accomplish flexibility and mobility.

Click here to download the full report.

Click here to download the report one-pager.

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